My Little World

Me at The Point


I'm Geoff Harrison and I live in Leicester, England.
I work in computing at a local hospital and enjoy "Cult TV", drinking vast amounts of tea, travel, music from all over the world, & the Eurovision Song Contest, but nobody's perfect.

Mail me at my contact page

This collection of pages was opened January 17th, 1996.

Netscape 2.0 - These pages look almost as bad on Netscape as they do on any other browser. Style has definitely not overcome content!.
However I can't say any longer that the pages look the same on vintage browsers as on Netscape.
The pages are targeted at Netscape 1.2 at present (November 96) with two pages using Javascript requiring Netscape 2, but one of those 'falls back' OK on an older browser. No Frames yet, but I'm thinking of it!

There are plenty of images in here taken by me. They may be a little small, but at least they won't take forever to download, I hope.
I'd like to send a special thank you to the University Department of Pathology who let me loose on their nice scanner.

Whats in store?, I hope you ask:

Cool links to the outside world: